Human Relations and the Life as we know it.
Through the Power of Color and Form, the Independent Product Designer & Artist Angelica Tcherassi has the mission through her artworks to help elevate our spaces and our own vibrations. Choosing color mixes, palettes, tones and proportions that resonate with her own know how, heart and soul. Emitting good vibes into the world.
"Our relationship with others, and how can we feel lost sometimes, movements that give a sense of sensuality and love. Spirals convey expansion, transformation and trust during change. Organic shapes that have more uneven curves grant a feeling of spontaneity and comfort. The selected color hues are a mix of Beige, Black, Reds, Blues and Greens all together providing a sense of inner calm, vitality, mental clarity, balance, elegance and connection."
The Artworks are printed on Photographic Print.
High Quality Photographic Paper 310grs using resin and pigmented inks.
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